
授賞 / 助成


The list of awards and funded research projects.

Awards (Academic Staff)

Date Title
Jan. 2025Kenjiro Takayanagi Achievement Award (Kenjiro Takayanagi Foundation)
Feb. 2022JSPS Prize (Japan Society for the Promotion of Science)
Aug. 2021IEEE Wireless Communications Letters Best Editor 2021(IEEE Communications Society)
Oct. 2019The University of Tokyo Excellent Young Researcher(The Unviersity of Tokyo)
June 2019SUEMATSU-Yasuharu Award (The Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers)
May 2018IEEE Transactions on Communications Exemplary Reviewer(IEEE Communications Society)
Mar. 2018Telecom System Technology Award (The Telecommunications Advancement Foundation)

T. Ishihara and S. Sugiura, "Iterative frequency-domain joint channel estimation and data detection of faster-than-Nyquist signaling," IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, vol. 16, no. 9, pp. 6221-6231, Sept. 2017.

Nov. 2016RIEC Award (The Foundation for the Promotion of Electrical Communication)
Apr. 2016The Young Scientists' Prize (The Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology)
Apr. 2015Funai Information Technology Award (First Prize) (The Funai Foundation)
Jan. 2014IEEE Communications Letters Exemplary Reviewer (IEEE Communications Society)
June 2013The 26th Ando Incentive Prize for the Study of Electronics (The Foundation of ANDO Laboratory)
Apr. 2013Funai Research Incentive Award (The Funai Foundation)
Mar. 2013Telecom System Technology Award (The Telecommunications Advancement Foundation)

S. Sugiura, S. Chen, and L. Hanzo, “A universal space-time architecture for multiple-antenna aided systems,” IEEE Communications Surveys & Tutorials, vol. 14, no. 2, pp. 401-420, Second Quarter, 2012.

Jan. 2013IEEE Communications Letters Exemplary Reviewer(IEEE Communications Society)
Apr. 2012IEEE Senior Member Recognition (IEEE)
Feb. 2012Yasujiro Niwa Outstanding Paper Award (Tokyo Denki University)

S. Sugiura, S. Chen, and L. Hanzo, “Coherent and differential space-time shift keying: A dispersion matrix approach,” IEEE Transactions on Communications, vol. 58, no. 11, pp. 3219?3230, Nov. 2010.

Dec. 2011IEEE Communications Society Asia-Pacific Outstanding Young Researcher Award (IEEE Communications Society)
Nov. 2011Ericsson Young Scientist Award(Ericsson Japan, K.K.)
Dec. 2008IEEE Antennas and Propagation Society Japan Chapter Young Engineer Award(IEEE Anetnnas and Propagation Society Japan Chapter)

S. Sugiura and H. Iizuka, “Reactively steered ring antenna array for automotive application,” IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation, vol. 55, no. 7, pp. 1902?1908, July 2007.

Awards (Studnets)

Date Title
June 2022IEEE VTS Tokyo/Japan Chapter 2022 Young Researcher's Encouragement Award (IEEE VTS Tokyo/Japan Chapter)
Recipient: Gan Srirutchataboon
Mar. 2022 Dean's Award for Academic Achievement (Graduate School of Information Science and Technology, The University of Tokyo)
Recipient: Yuto Kawai
Nov. 2020IEEE VTS Tokyo/Japan Chapter 2020 Young Researcher's Encouragement Award (IEEE VTS Tokyo/Japan Chapter)
Recipient: Seichiroh Osaki
Nov. 2020IEEE VTS Tokyo/Japan Chapter 2020 Young Researcher's Encouragement Award (IEEE VTS Tokyo/Japan Chapter)
Recipient: Keita Masaki
Mar. 2020Telecom System Technology Student Award (The Telecommunications Advancement Foundation)
Recipient: Ryota Nakai

R. Nakai and S. Sugiura, "Physical layer security in buffer-state-based max-ratio relay selection exploiting broadcasting with cooperative beamforming and jamming," IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security, vol. 14, no. 2, pp. 431-444, Feb. 2019.

Dec. 2019IEEE Signal Processing Society Japan Student Journal Paper Award (IEEE Signal Processing Society Tokyo Joint Chapter)
Recipient: Ryota Nakai

R. Nakai and S. Sugiura, "Physical layer security in buffer-state-based max-ratio relay selection exploiting broadcasting with cooperative beamforming and jamming," IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security, vol. 14, no. 2, pp. 431-444, Feb. 2019.

Sep. 2019IEEE VTS Tokyo Chapter 2019 Young Researcher's Encouragement Award (IEEE VTS Tokyo Chapter)
Recipient: Takumi Ishihara
Sep. 2019IEEE VTS Tokyo Chapter 2019 Young Researcher's Encouragement Award (IEEE VTS Tokyo Chapter)
Recipient: Tatsuya Mishina
Feb. 2019Yasujiro Niwa Outstanding Paper Award (Tokyo Denki University)
Recipient: Takumi Ishihara
Mar. 2018Telecom System Technology Award (The Telecommunications Advancement Foundation)
Recipient: Takumi Ishihara

T. Ishihara and S. Sugiura, "Iterative frequency-domain joint channel estimation and data detection of faster-than-Nyquist signaling," IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, vol. 16, no. 9, pp. 6221-6231, Sept. 2017.

Feb. 2018Yasujiro Niwa Outstanding Paper Award (Tokyo Denki University)
Recipient: Naoki Ishikawa
Sep. 2017IEEE VTS Tokyo Chapter 2017 Young Researcher's Encouragement Award (IEEE VTS Tokyo Chapter)
Recipient: Miyu Nakao
Jun. 2017IEEE VTS Tokyo Chapter 2017 Young Researcher's Encouragement Award (IEEE VTS Tokyo Chapter)
Recipient: Ryota Nakai
Mar. 2017Telecom System Technology Student Award (honorable mention) (The Telecommunications Advancement Foundation)
Recipient: Miharu Oiwa

M. Oiwa and S. Sugiura, "Reduced-packet-delay generalized buffer-aided relaying protocol: Simultaneous activation of multiple source-to-relay links," IEEE Access, vol. 4, pp. 3632-3646, July 2016.

May 2016IEEE VTS Tokyo Chapter 2016 Young Researcher's Encouragement Award (IEEE VTS Tokyo Chapter)
Recipient: Miharu Oiwa
Mar. 2015Telecom System Technology Student Award (honorable mention) (The Telecommunications Advancement Foundation)
Recipient: Naoki Ishikawa

N. Ishikawa and S. Sugiura, "Unified differential spatial modulation," IEEE Wireless Communications Letters, vol. 3, no. 4, pp. 337-340, Aug. 2014.

Jan. 2015Outstanding Paper Award for Young C&C Researchers (NEC C&C Foundation)
Recipient: Naoki Ishikawa
May 2014IEEE VTS Japan 2014 Young Researcher's Encouragement Award (IEEE VTS Japan Chapter)
Recipient: Naoki Ishikawa

Research Funding

Period Title
June 2024
- Mar. 2027
JSPS KAKENHI - Grant-in-Aid for Challenging Research (Exploratory), PI, 4,900,000 JPY
"Generalized statistical channel model and theoretical analysis framework for terahertz communications"
Feb. 2024
- Mar. 2027
JST ASPIRE for Rising Scientists, PI, 69,000,000 JPY
"Intelligent and integrated optimization framework of high-frequency channel environment for next-generation wireless communications"
Apr. 2023
- Mar. 2026
JST FOREST, PI, 20,000,000 JPY
"Innovative Non-orthogonal Framework for Wireless Communications"
Apr. 2022
- Mar. 2025
JSPS KAKENHI - Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B), PI, 13,300,000 JPY
"Advanced Signal Processing for High-Speed and High-Reliability Communications in Highly Doubly Selective Underwater Acoustic Channel"
Oct. 2019
- Mar. 2023
JST PRESTO - Future led by IoT, PI, 40,000,000 JPY
"Wireless network security for IoT"
Jul. 2017
- Mar. 2020
JSPS KAKENHI - Grant-in-Aid for Challenging Research (Exploratory), PI, 4,800,000 JPY
"Optimization of Faster-than-Nyquist signaling"
Apr. 2017
- Mar. 2021
JSPS KAKENHI - Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B), PI, 13,600,000 JPY
"Highly-reliable and reduced-packet-delay buffer-aided cooperative protocol"
Apr. 2017
- Mar. 2020
JSPS KAKENHI - Fund for the Promotion of Joint International Research, PI, 11,600,000 JPY
"High-throughput and low-overhead non-coherent massive MIMO systems"
Apr. 2016
- Mar. 2018
JSPS Bilateral Joint Research Projects (Korea - Japan), PI, 2,160,000 JPY
"Next-generation high-rate energy-efficient wireless communication systems using cooperative spatial modulation with large-scale antenna arrays"
Apr. 2014
- Mar. 2017
JSPS KAKENHI - Grant-in-Aid for Young Scientists (A), PI, 20,920,000 JPY
"Co-located/distributed universal signal processing for massive antennas"
Apr. 2014
- Mar. 2016
JSPS KAKENHI - Grant-in-Aid for Challenging Exploratory Research, PI, 3,100,000 JPY
"Faster-than-Nyquist signaling transmissions for high-rate wireless systems"
Sep. 2013
- Mar. 2014
JST A-STEP, PI, 1,308,000 JPY
"Development of a low-complexity receiver for faster-than-Nyquist signaling systems"
Apr. 2013
- Mar. 2017
MEXT Grant for Tenure-Track Promotion Program, PI, 55,000,000 JPY
Apr. 2011
- Mar. 2013
JSPS KAKENHI - Grant-in-Aid for Young Scientists (B), PI, 1,300,000 JPY
"Space-Time Shift Keying Transmission in Multiple-Antenna Systems"